
Breast AugmentationStarting at $8,000
Breast LiftStarting at $9,450
Breast ReductionStarting at $10,500
Breast Lift with AugmentationStarting at $11,025
Breast Implant RevisionStarting at $8,925
Breast Asymmetry CorrectionStarting at $6,825
Nipple ReductionStarting at $2,785
Areola ReductionStarting at $3,858
Woman posing in bra with hand on shoulder
Woman wearing a sports bra and underwear showing off stomach


Brazilian Butt LiftStarting at $12,300
Buttock LiftStarting at $10,925
Buttock Lift w/ Auto AugmentationStarting at $12,080
LabiaplastyStarting at $3,988
HymenoplastyStarting at $3,150
Tummy TuckStarting at $11,000
Mini Tummy TuckStarting at $7,135
Lipo 360Starting at $7,610
Renuvion Skin TighteningStarting at $2,000
Body LiftStarting at $13,650
Axillary Fat RemovalStarting at $2,100
BrachioplastyStarting at $9,500
Thigh LiftStarting at $8,350


Lip LiftStarting at $3,360
Lip ReductionStarting at $4,200
Cheek AugmentationStarting at $5,250
Facial Fat GraftingStarting at $8,348
Buccal Fat RemovalStarting at $4,200
Chin AugmentationStarting at $5,250
Forehead ReductionStarting at $7,350
Nostril ReductionStarting at $3,150
RhinoplastyStarting at $8,500
Earlobe RepairStarting at $1,785
Ear Pinning SurgeryStarting at $8,900
Upper EyelidStarting at $5,617
Brow LiftStarting at $6,825
Neck Lift (Neck Rejuvenation)Starting at $8,612
Face LiftStarting at $10,500
Mini FaceliftStarting at $9,000
Woman posing looking over her shoulder fiercely
Male posing with hand on neck


Gynecomastia SurgeryStarting at $7,220
Gynecomastia w/ LiftStarting at $8,925
ScrotoplastyStarting at $5,885
XiphoidectomyStarting at $5,600
Male LiposuctionStarting at $7,610
Pec ImplantsStarting at $9,325
Calf ImplantsStarting at $9,325