Both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Jones are associated with ABMS and ABPS; all other credentials are associated with Dr. Ortiz.

If you are struggling with areas of fat on your belly, back, or chest that don’t go away despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, male liposuction in Raleigh may be right for you. This procedure removes the stubborn fat deposits, allowing you to achieve the sculpted, toned physique you’ve been working toward. By working with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ortiz, you can reach your goals and experience confidence and pride in your body.

Male Liposuction Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 7
Case: 1 of 7
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 162 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 1 of 6

32 year old male who was seen for a chief complaint of body contour deformity, citing fat excess of the abdomen with contour bulging of flanks.
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 167 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 2 of 6

A 34-year-old male who has a healthy weight participates in sports and maintains physical fitness, desired improvements to his waistline. He underwent circumferential trunk liposuction.
Weight: 187 lbsBMI: 27
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 165 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 3 of 6

31-year-old male who presented for evaluation due to concerns about the appearance of his abdomen and flanks, as well as his breast tissue. The patient stated that he has always had some breast tissue since he was a young man, and this has caused some embarrassment in the past. He states that the issue does not resolve no matter how much weight... Read More
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 166 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 4 of 6

Age: 30Weight: 215 lbLocation of Procedure: lower abdomen and flanks
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 163 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 5 of 6

50 year old male who was seen for a chief complaint of abdominal aesthetic deformity. Patient had significant adiposity to the anterior abdomen, flanks and lower back.
Before & After Male Liposuction Case 164 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 6 of 6

30-year-old male, with a history of up and down weight gain, desired evaluation for liposuction. Planned to lose some weight prior to surgery and stated that he would like to have a better defined waistline. We discussed proceeding with weight loss and, once close to the discussed goal BMI of 30, we would re-evaluate and book at that time.
At ti... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Liposuction for Men

Liposuction, or simply lipo, removes fat deposits from areas of the body. While women often focus on areas of the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks, lipo for men tends to target the abdomen and sides, commonly called the “love handles,” as well as the breast, shoulders, and back.

Dr. Ortiz performs suction-assisted liposuction. During this procedure, he injects a solution of saline, water, and anesthesia into the targeted fat cells. Using a slim cannula, similar to an IV needle, the liquified fat is suctioned out.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Ortiz, he will discuss your options with you and determine which method will work best to help you get the results you wish to achieve. While bruising, swelling, and discomfort are typical for around 7 to 10 days, both types of liposuction for men offer minimal scarring and a downtime of only one to two weeks, while strenuous activity should be avoided for a bit longer. Learn about the procedure with our liposuction FAQs.

Choosing Liposuction for Men

If you’ve reached your goal weight, but diet and exercise still aren’t enough to get rid of stubborn areas of fat, liposuction for men can help you achieve the toned, trim physique you’ve been working toward. Dr. Ortiz has performed this procedure countless times to help men get the results they want and can help you, too. To learn more or schedule your personalized consultation at our plastic surgery center in Raleigh, reach out to us today at 919.532.2270 or send us an email using our easy-to-use online contact form.
