Facial harmony is considered one of the key elements of attractiveness. A nose that is too large or misshapen detracts from that harmony and can make a person self-conscious about their appearance. Rhinoplasty performed at North Raleigh Plastic Surgery by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Juan A. Ortiz creates natural-looking results that will boost your confidence. Rhinoplasty patients from Durham, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, and throughout the region travel to our North Carolina practice.

Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 4
Case: 1 of 4
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 158 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 2 of 3

31 year old female who was seen for a chief complaint of nasal aesthetic deformity. Her main concerns were a prominent hump of the nasal bridge, and tip definition appearing downturned. She wished to decrease the tip rotation and improve on the dorsal hump. Read More
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 157 View 1 View in Raleigh, NC
Before & After
Case: 3 of 3

31 year old female who visited to discuss rhinoplasty. Patient felt that her nose was wide and had a hump, and also desired a more refined tip. She had a history of significant accidental trauma on two different occasions. Wished to reduce the dorsal hump deformity, narrow the dorsum and refine the tip with some upward rotation. Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Often called a “nose job,” rhinoplasty alters the shape or size of a nose. In addition to cosmetic changes, the procedure can improve the nose’s function if structural issues make breathing difficult. The procedure is considered one of the most complex surgeries performed by plastic surgeons, so choosing a rhinoplasty specialist such as Dr. Ortiz is important.

Ideal Rhinoplasty Candidates

People considering rhinoplasty have various reasons for wanting a nose job. If you’re not happy with the appearance or function of your nose, rhinoplasty offers a surgical solution.

Patients seeking rhinoplasty surgery may have concerns such as the following:

  • A prominent dorsal hump: A noticeable bump or ridge on the bridge of the nose can create an imbalanced profile.
  • Nose asymmetry: Nose asymmetry occurs when one side of the nose differs in shape or size from the other side, leading to an uneven appearance.
  • A bulbous tip: A rounded or overly wide nasal tip can make the nose appear disproportionately large or lacking in definition.
  • A nose that’s out of proportion with other facial features: An overly large nose may distract from your overall attractiveness.
  • Breathing difficulties due to structural issues: Structural issues within the nose, such as a deviated septum or narrow nasal passages, can obstruct airflow and cause breathing difficulties, impacting both nasal function and overall quality of life.

Candidates for rhinoplasty should have good overall health and realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes. It’s essential for patients to communicate openly with Dr. Ortiz during the consultation process.

Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

During your rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Ortiz, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your goals, concerns, and desired outcomes for your nose. He will carefully evaluate your nasal anatomy, considering factors such as nasal symmetry, proportions, and functional issues. You’ll receive detailed information about the rhinoplasty procedure, including the techniques involved, potential risks and complications, and the expected recovery process.

Understanding the Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that involves reshaping delicate nasal structures, including bone, skin, and cartilage, to improve their appearance or function.


Dr. Ortiz may use either a “closed” or “open” rhinoplasty technique. A closed rhinoplasty involves making incisions inside the nostrils. During an open rhinoplasty procedure, he makes an incision on the columella, the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, and then lifts the skin and exposes the internal structures.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty: Ideal for minor changes to the nasal tip, nasal bridge, or nostrils, closed rhinoplasty usually involves less swelling and a faster recovery time.
  • Open Rhinoplasty: This technique is best for extensive nose reshaping, including alterations to the nasal tip, bridge, and nostrils. It can lead to a longer recovery time. While there is usually visible scarring, it is typically faint and difficult to see.

Reshaping the Nose

Dr. Ortiz’s surgical techniques depend on your specific case. They may include combining cutting, rearranging, and grafting techniques to reshape the bone and cartilage of the nose.

Bone and Cartilage Removal and Grafting

Dr. Ortiz may remove some bone or cartilage from the nose to reduce its size or improve its shape. If you need additional cartilage, he may take some from the nasal septum (the wall separating the nostrils) or other parts of the body, such as the ear or rib. He then grafts the cartilage onto the nose to reshape it.

Septoplasty and Other Personalizations

If you have a deviated septum, Dr. Ortiz may perform a septoplasty at the same time as the rhinoplasty. A septoplasty involves straightening the nasal septum to improve breathing. It is important to note that rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure, and the exact steps involved vary depending on your goals and the technique used. Dr. Ortiz works with you to develop a personalized surgical plan to achieve your desired results.

Recovery After Rhinoplasty

The recovery process following a rhinoplasty procedure is crucial to achieving optimal results. Immediately after surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort around your nose and eyes. Pain medication effectively manages this discomfort during the initial days.

Rest and avoiding strenuous activities are priorities during the first week after surgery. You should keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. You may have a splint on the nose to support its newly reshaped structures; Dr. Ortiz will remove the splint during a follow-up appointment.

When Do Results Appear?

Even though most swelling and bruising subside within 2 weeks of your surgery, it may take several months to a year for the full results to become apparent. During this time, patients should avoid activities that could potentially impact the nose, such as contact sports or wearing glasses that rest on the bridge of the nose.

What Is Nostril Reduction?

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nostrils but satisfied with the shape and size of your nose, Dr. Ortiz can perform surgery to reduce the nostrils’ size. Also known as alar base reduction or alarplasty surgery, nostril reduction is often sought by people who believe their nostrils are too wide, flared, or asymmetrical.

While genetics can influence the size and shape of the nostrils, some people may also experience changes due to injury, aging, or other factors. Nostril reduction surgery effectively addresses these concerns and achieves a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. 

Combining Rhinoplasty With Other Procedures

Rhinoplasty can be combined with other aesthetic surgical or nonsurgical procedures. For example, patients often choose to combine their nose job with chin augmentation to create better facial harmony. You can discuss your options with Dr. Ortiz during your consultation.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost in the Raleigh, NC, Area?

Dr. Ortiz customizes each surgical plan based on a patient’s specific concerns and goals. The technique used, the extent of the procedure, and whether it’s combined with other procedures all influence the cost of rhinoplasty. We offer competitive pricing for rhinoplasty procedures. Patients can schedule a consultation to receive a personalized quote and discuss financing options to make the procedure more accessible.

Rhinoplasty FAQ

Is there a best age to get rhinoplasty surgery?

There is no one “best” or “ideal” age for rhinoplasty that applies to all people—the ideal age varies depending on several factors, including the patient’s physical and emotional maturity, nasal development, and overall health.

If you’re a teenager considering rhinoplasty, you should wait until your nose is fully developed. That is typically about age 15 or 16 for girls and 17 or 18 for boys.

How long does rhinoplasty take?

Depending on the severity of the corrections made and the techniques used, you may be in surgery for 2 to 4 hours.

Is rhinoplasty recovery painful?

Patients should expect some discomfort and tenderness around their nose, eyes, cheeks, and forehead. Swelling and bruising are normal, and nasal congestion may occur. However, it’s important not to blow your nose during the initial recovery. The nose and surrounding areas may also feel stiff or tight. You can manage discomfort with prescription medication.

How long do the results of rhinoplasty last?

The changes made through rhinoplasty are permanent. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow up with Dr. Ortiz regularly to monitor any changes or address any concerns that may arise.

Get Started

Dr. Ortiz takes pride in personalizing consultations with patients. He takes the time to answer all questions and ensure patients make informed choices about their procedures. You can request a consultation using the online contact form or call us at 919.532.2270 to schedule an appointment.
