Facelifts are one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US and many women are electing to have a facelift in their 40s or 50s so that the results are subtle. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag. A facelift can help undo the effects of gravity by lifting, firming, and tightening facial tissue, leading to a vibrant, more youthful appearance

What is a Face Lift?

Facelifts improve the appearance of the bottom two-thirds of the face, the cheeks and jawline, through two facelift methods: traditional and limited incision. During a traditional facelift, incisions are made starting at the temples and running down the side of the head, around the ear, and ending at the bottom of the scalp. Through these incisions, fat is redistributed or sculpted, the tissue of the neck and jowls are repositioned, and, often, the deeper layers of muscle in the face are lifted. The skin is then smoothed into place with excess skin being trimmed off and the incision is closed with small sutures. A limited incision facelift, sometimes called a mini facelift, only requires a few small incisions around the ear. Since the cuts are smaller, the results of a limited incision facelift are not as dramatic as a traditional lift. Because of this, the limited incision technique is usually reserved for those with less skin relaxation. Many women choose to pair a facelift with a neck lift to further improve the look of the jawline or an eyelid surgery to brighten the entire face. A facelift will not change the look of fine lines, wrinkles, or skin texture, but those concerns can be addressed with nonsurgical procedures.

If you have been thinking about a facelift, now is the time. Dr. Ortiz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over two decades of experience. He will guide you through the entire process, answering any questions you have, and making sure you’re at ease and happy with your decision. Ready to get started? Schedule your consultation by calling our Raleigh plastic surgery center at 919.532.2270 or sending us a message using our online contact form.
