Well-balanced facial features and properly defined bone structure are the foundation to having attractive, proportionate features. For people with weak or recessed chins, chin augmentation improves the contours of the lower part of the face to achieve a stronger profile, minimize the look of a double chin, and create more definition around your neck and jawbone. Most importantly, Dr. Ortiz provides chin implant surgery in Raleigh to help you feel more confident in your appearance so you can live your best life.

What is Chin Augmentation?

Chin implant surgery, also called genioplasty, is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of a small or “weak” chin. During the procedure, Dr. Ortiz will make a small incision under the chin or in the mouth where the bottom lip meets the gumline to minimize or eliminate any signs of scarring. Then, a silicone implant will be inserted into place and secured to the jawbone. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation in under an hour.

While this surgery is very safe and quite simple, it’s important to follow post-op directions. There’s very little downtime required, and most patients are back to work and do other light activities within a week with exercise and more strenuous movement resumed within a month. Often, our patients will have a chin implant placed at the same time as having rhinoplasty or a face lift.

If the size and shape of your chin is not in proportion with the rest of your facial features, chin implant surgery may be the right option for you. With balanced features and improved contours, you can feel more attractive and confident in your appearance. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ortiz today to discuss if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and the results you can expect. To get started, call our Raleigh plastic surgery center at 919.532.2270 or submit the easy-to-use online consultation form.
