A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is a popular body contouring procedure best suited for those who have experienced massive weight loss and now have sagging skin or excess fat around their thighs. This procedure results in smoother and more contoured legs, allowing you to feel more confident in shorts and swimsuits. Dr. Ortiz is a board-certified plastic surgeon and has performed countless thigh lifts, helping men & women feel more comfortable in their own skin.

What is a Thigh Lift?

Whether you feel your thighs are a problematic area due to aging, excess skin, or stubborn fat, a thigh lift can help you feel more satisfied with the appearance of your legs. Thigh lifts can be performed on the inner thigh or outer thigh, depending on your needs. During an inner thigh lift, an incision will be made from the groin, extending downward and around the back of the thigh so that excess skin and fat may be removed. An outer thigh lift involves making an incision from the groin, going around the top of the hip to the back of the leg. In both procedures, the incisions will follow the curves of your body, making it so that any scarring will be hidden as best as possible. With any thigh lift, liposuction techniques can also be used to remove localized fat deposits in the thighs. Thighplasty is generally an outpatient procedure with recovery time varying from patient to patient.

When you’re ready to discuss thighplasty, we’re here for you. Dr. Ortiz has helped countless women feel more comfortable baring their legs and can do the same for you. His goal is to make you feel comfortable during the entire process: from your first consultation to your post-op appointments. Schedule your consultation at our Raleigh plastic surgery center by calling us at 919.532.2270 or using our easy-to-use online contact form.
