Liposuction, Renuvion to circumferential trunk
48 year old female who visited to discuss improving the look of her abdomen and flanks. Prior to her surgery date, she decided to add breast enhancement via fat grafting.
Procedures performed: Lipo and Renuvion to circumferential trunk; Fat grafting to bilateral breasts
Liposuction, Abdominoplasty, Lipo 360, Bilateral Breast Implant Exchange with Breast Lift
46 year old female who was interested in abdominoplasty, circumferential trunk liposuction and breast implant exchange with life. The patient stated that she had always had “belly fat” around her midsection, and that this worsened after having 3 children. She also had bilateral breast augmentation with saline implants in 1996 at which time she had saline implants (approx 500cc) placed. She was interested in replacement with silicone implants and mastopexy once she is healed from the abdominoplasty. She felt that, over time, her breasts began to sag.
Approach: Inframammary
Placement: Subfascial
Implant Type: Smooth round moderate plus profile boost silicone gel implant
Implant Size: 590cc
Liposuction and scar revision
52 year old female who was seen for a chief complaint of a raised and pinched scar, located on the right inferior medial lower back. She previously had a full abdominoplasty, and then had liposuction by another surgeon to remove more fat from her back. She was not pleased with the results, and saw another surgeon who performed an excision of the scar that extended to her lower flanks bilaterally. Excess skin and fat near the scars caused the area to bulge. She wanted to have this corrected.
BMI = 30.5
Liposuction to Neck, Arms, Upper Breasts
40 year old female who was seen for a chief complaint of body contour deformity. She cited excess fat of the abdomen, arms, back, flanks, left breast, right breast, and upper outer quadrant of breast to the anterior axillary roll; as well as skin laxity of the abdomen. She also brought attention to a dorsal nasal hump that she wanted to have reduced.
Procedures performed:
Liposuction to Neck, Arms, Upper Breasts, Circumferential Trunk
Mini Abdominoplasty
34 year old female who presented for evaluation due to concerns about the shape of her waist and the desire to get rid of a buttock lipoma. The patient felt that despite having a healthy lifestyle she was unable to obtain the desired shape of her waist. Weight 170 pounds. Height 5 feet 5 inches. BMI: 28
Liposuction, Liposuction to flanks, hips, upper back and arms; Brazilian Butt Lift.
29 year old female who desired to improve the appearance of the hips and buttocks. The patient was concerned about the “flatness” on her hips and how her buttocks have become “droopy” after 15 lbs. weight loss. The patient desired more fullness of her buttocks and rounder hips. Weight: 132 pounds. BMI: 23
Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift and Brazilian Butt Lift.
42-year-old female who presented for evaluation due to having an 80 lbs weight loss. The patient feels that despite adequate diet and exercise she is unable to achieve the desired contour in her torso and breasts. She desired her breasts to be perkier, seated higher on her chest, and the excess abdominal skin and fat to be removed to improve her waistline.
Weight 197 pounds. Height 5 feet 6 inches. BMI: 32
50-year-old female who, despite adequate diet and exercise, was not able to get rid of her
“belly” and her belly button. The patient was noted to have a hernia in the umbilicus.
Weight: 136
BMI: 26
Approach: Lower transverse incision and umbilical reconstruction.
Technique: Abdominoplasty with immediate umbilical hernia repair and liposuction of the trunk
with etching