Over the past several years, a plastic surgery procedure called a “mommy makeover“ has gotten a lot of attention, but what is it?

What is a Mommy Makeover?

“Mommy makeover” actually refers to a series of procedures performed in the same surgical session that aims to improve the appearance of areas most affected by childbearing. The procedures in a mommy makeover are completely personalized to each patient and can include:

Mommy makeovers are performed at least six weeks after the patient has given birth. (Breastfeeding mothers should wait six weeks after they have stopped breastfeeding.) You should wait until you are done childbearing to have a mommy makeover as having another child will undo the effects of the procedure.

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

During pregnancy, your skin, tissue, and abdominal muscles stretch to accommodate the growing baby. While diet and exercise can help you lose extra weight after childbirth, your skin and tissue may not bounce back. In addition, breastfeeding changes the breasts in ways that exercise cannot undo. This is why mommy makeovers are so popular: they improve the areas that don’t respond well to exercise.

It’s important to know that a mommy makeover is not a weight loss surgery and is not guaranteed to remove stretch marks. If you are concerned about stretch marks, be sure to discuss this with Dr. Ortiz at your consultation.

Since a mommy makeover allows you to improve multiple areas with just one surgery, you’ll only be put under anesthesia once and you’ll only have one recovery period. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay at home mom, you’ll appreciate less downtime!

Another major benefit of a mommy makeover is the self esteem boost. Many women struggle with the changes that pregnancy and breastfeeding bring. While diet and exercise can certainly help you lose the “baby weight”, there are some areas If you have loose skin, sagging breasts, or stubborn fat deposits, a mommy makeover can improve the appearance of these areas and help you look and feel like your pre-baby self.

If loose skin or an elongated labia causes discomfort, as it does for most women, you can customize your mommy makeover to include procedures that address these issues so you feel more comfortable in your own skin – literally and figuratively.

Recovery & What to Expect After a Mommy Makeover

You will be recovering from anesthesia during this time and it is important that someone drive you home from North Raleigh Plastic Surgery and stay with you for 24 hours following the procedure. We recommend having someone nearby for the first few weeks after your surgery. You will appreciate a helping hand!

Plan to take at least two weeks off work and avoid strenuous activity and exercise for 6 weeks. You will be on narcotic pain medication and unable to drive for at least one week following surgery. Plan to sleep on your back or side, with your upper body and feet elevated. (Many patients choose to sleep in a recliner during recovery.)

You will have a minimum of 3 post-op appointments with Dr. Ortiz: one a week after the surgery, one at 2 months post-surgery, and the final appointment at 6 months after surgery. If you need to see Dr. Ortiz at any time between these appointments, please call us.

You will be sore and swollen for up to six weeks after surgery and can expect to spend up to three months recovering. Your recovery time depends on the exact procedures you had and your body’s ability to recover.

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back with a Mommy Makeover

If you’re ready to take the next step toward regaining your pre-baby body, call us at (919) 532-2270 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your mommy makeover consultation today!

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Further Reading
