If you’ve felt that your forehead is too big and that your hairline is too high, this can be a source of self-consciousness and can affect your self-esteem. A big forehead may be due to a receding or high hairline, low hair density, or a heavy brow. Dr. Ortiz, our board-certified plastic surgeon in Raleigh, performs forehead reduction procedures that can shorten the height of your forehead to achieve a more balanced appearance so you can feel more attractive and self-confident.

In this article, we will shed some light on what a forehead reduction is and other important facts to educate you if you are considering this procedure.

What Is A Forehead Reduction?

Forehead reduction is also known as hairline advancement and scalp advancement. It is a very gratifying procedure for patients, most of whom have dealt with this condition for a long time. It may be hereditary or caused by a loss of hair. This surgical procedure is designed to shorten the vertical height of the forehead. It shortens the distance between the hairline and the eyebrows in addition to the distance between the hairline and eyes, nose, and mouth. The surgeon is actually moving the hairline lower on the face. 

The forehead reduction procedure removes skin from the forehead near the hairline and attaches it lower on the forehead. Beforehand the patient meets with the plastic surgeon to go over how much skin will be taken out and where the new hairline will be located. This procedure is generally very safe with little post-surgery pain involved. 

How Is the Forehead Reduction Procedure Performed?

During a forehead reduction procedure, the patient is given IV sedation to help them to fall asleep while breathing on their own. The scalp is totally numbed with local anesthetic injections. The surgeon will have marked the hairline, noted how much skin will be removed, and marked where the relocated hairline will be. Using a scalpel, the surgeon makes an incision across the hairline and into the temple areas with precision in order to make the scar heal well and camouflage the scar within the hairline. 

The scalp is loosened and separated from the underlying bone and moved forward. The surgeon uses special techniques to allow the scalp to stretch safely during surgery. Sometimes an Endotine or Ultratine device is used to help affix and support the scalp while it is healing. This type of device dissolves over several months and is secured to the underlying bone.

The excess skin is trimmed away and the incision is closed with extreme care  so the incision heals beautifully.The actual procedure can take anywhere from 2 hours to 4+ hours.

A dressing is then applied and the patient awakens. A post-op appointment is set for the next day and a week afterward.

Is the Forehead Reduction Surgery Painful?

Patients report that there is very little to no pain with forehead reduction surgery. There is mild soreness the first evening after the procedure; however, it is rare to have significant pain. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain medication to take as you need it. 

How Much Can a Patient Lower Their Hairline?

Generally, in most cases, the hairline can be lowered between 2.0 and 2.5 centimeters in one surgical procedure. However, every patient is different and measurements are subjective. This procedure involves much precision because even slightly moving the position of the ruler against the forehead to measure the positioning can make drastic changes in the results of the measurement.

How Long Is the Recovery?

Recovery time varies between patients, but typically the recovery takes about two to three weeks. You can expect mild soreness after surgery for a short time. The day after surgery, the physician will remove the dressings and check to make sure everything is beginning to heal well. 

Patients are cautioned to avoid heavy lifting and other strenuous activities until your surgeon approves them. Mild bruising, swelling, and perhaps numbness are possible, but these are usually minimal. Your plastic surgeon will allow you to camouflage the incision with your hair, a hat, or a soft headband while it is healing. It is recommended to sleep on your back for the first 2 weeks using a pillow to elevate your head. After that period of time, you can sleep on your side and then, after one month, you can sleep on your stomach.

You can shower and shampoo your hair the day after your surgery. After a week, the surgeon will remove the sutures. As far as flying and traveling goes, usually you can fly after 48 hours.

Contact Us To Schedule a Consultation for Hairline Reduction Today!

If you are ready to gain confidence and self-assurance, start by calling us at North Raleigh Plastic Surgery for a forehead reduction today! You can stop wearing hats and hiding behind hairstyles! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ortiz by calling our plastic surgery center in Raleigh at 919-532-2270 or filling our the contact forms below to learn more.

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Further Reading
