4 Ways to Get Your Confidence Back After Having a Baby

North Raleigh Plastic Surgery
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Becoming a mother can be the most rewarding experience, but it’s also incredibly challenging.In fact, studies show that a majority of women experience decreasing self-esteem during pregnancy and it continues for several years after giving birth.From attempting to live up to pressure to be the best mother possible to accepting changes to your body to stepping away or minimizing your career, motherhood can often feel conflicting in a way that can damage your self-esteem.You deserve to love yourself and feel confident in how you look, how you feel, and how you contribute to both your home and society.To help you clear the cobwebs, we’re sharing four ways to get your confidence back after having a baby.

Begin a Regular Exercise Routine

In the same study that showed women experience decreasing self-esteem after pregnancy, researchers found that over a third of the women did exercise at least three times a week.Those women who did were found to have a more positive mindset, greater confidence, and were more likely to engage in fun activities.This is unsurprising as exercise is shown to increase energy, reduce feelings of depression, and shift your mind into more positive framing.While finding time to exercise can be hard, especially when you have a baby, remember, something is better than nothing, and try some of these simple ways to get movement:

  • Take the baby in the stroller for a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood each day.
  • Find an online yoga class or yoga video you can do in the evening when everyone has settled down and you have a few extra minutes.
  • Do a 5-minute circuit of 10 squats, 10 burpees, and 10 mountain climbers, repeating rounds for five minutes.

Take Time for Your Appearance

When your life revolves around childcare and keeping up with the house, it can be easy to live in sweats and a ponytail.This may be quite a change from pre-baby life where you always made time for manicures and blowouts and feeling like you’ve “let yourself go” may be taking its toll on your mental health.Take time to look and feel like your old self by:https://koupitedpilulky.com

  • Showering every day;
  • Following a simple skincare regimen of cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and protecting your skin from the sun;
  • Scheduling an afternoon out of the house where you can get your nails done and your roots touched up.
  • Dressing in clothes that make you feel and look more attractive (while still functioning for your daily life).

Spend Time Doing What You Love

Having kids often means you’re constantly busy.Laundry, errands, doctor’s appointments, dinner all take up a good portion of your day.But it’s still important to take time doing what you love.Whether that’s going back to work, even part-time, taking up a new hobby, or blocking out time each week for time with friends, spending time doing the things you loved before having kids can help you regain your sense of self and build your confidence.

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

If your loss of confidence is due to the changes your body went through during pregnancy and breastfeeding, that is normal.Women are expected to bounce right back after having a baby, but the reality of achieving this is almost impossible.Stretch marks, loose skin around your belly, and sagging breasts are all very common issues after pregnancy, but if these changes are hurting your confidence, it’s okay to seek cosmetic solutions.Dr. Ortiz provides a mommy makeover, a customized series of cosmetic procedures designed to help women restore their pre-baby bodies.The most common procedures are usually a combination of:

  • Tummy tuck to tighten loose muscles and remove loose skin;
  • Breast lift with augmentation to elevate sagging breasts and restore a loss of volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Labiaplasty to reshape the labia that may have enlarged or stretched after pregnancy.
  • Liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits;

However, Dr. Ortiz will work with you to help you achieve your goals for your body so you can regain your confidence and feel your best, inside and out.

Schedule a Consultation for a Mommy Makeover

If you’re ready to get your confidence back after having children, we can help.Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ortiz today by calling 919-532-2270 or send us an email using our easy-to-use online contact form below.

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